
Cannagrins' Kickoff $Karate Burn NFTs

Let's burn some $karate! 🥦

When you buy the Cannagrins' Kickoff $Karate Burn NFTs, all the funds that go to the treasury will be used to buy and burn $karate coins. So will royalties.

Cannagrins Kickoff $Karate Burn NFTs

The contract, the code, and all funds are recorded on chain here: 0.0.7524857

Scroll below to learn more about the keys...

Who am I?

I am bitcoins@karatecombat. You can contact me on X/ Twitter @bitsycoin. I am fully KYCed/ DOXed by the KC team :) I won an all expense paid trip to SLC KC50 and they received all my info to be able to fly...

Consider dev costs a donation to all $karate fans. I will also keep NFT #7. The NFTs are not guaranteeing anything except the burn of $karate. They are just cool artwork you can buy, sell, or HODL. I will cover expenses to get this started, but if there are future mints for burning $karate coins I may use proceeds to reimburse my costs. I will make 0 dollars, 0 crypto, 0 anything off any of the $Karate Burn NFTs, unless I buy them like everyone else for future resale.


Maybe soon... Maybe later... Maybe never... Nothing guaranteed...

The Contract

In the future we may remove some of the keys, but for now, this is where it begins.

I puff a lot. Slightly paranoid, but not really scared. I like the idea of being able to fix problems... It's a good start.

11/16/24 651 Hbar for 83,054 $karate

Cannagrins Kickoff $Karate Burn NFTs on Kabila App Button